I Promise You!


As sinners in this evil world, we are going to sin. Everyone. Whether we are involved in stealing, killing, lying, or cheating doesn’t matter to God. It is sin. We don’t get to choose which one we can live with or accept. All sin is detestable to a holy God. With the Holy Spirit guiding us, we can quickly recognize our sins and ask forgiveness. God always forgives. That is a promise! 1 John 1:9 tells us “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Friend, we must grab hold of his promises and believe them as our life banner. If we lived everyday believing we are as wonderful as God says we are, what kind of influence could we have?
Our Father created the universe and everything in it. We should be bragging around the water cooler about how awesome our Abba is!

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